Tub and Shower Conversion Broken Arrow, OK

Need a Tub-To-Shower or Shower-To-Tub Conversion? Call Bathroom Boost in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma!

You might have a bathtub that's rarely used or a shower space that feels confined. Why stick to something that doesn't work for your lifestyle? Converting a tub to a shower or vice-versa can completely transform your bathroom. 

Why Consider a Conversion?

  • Space Utilization: A shower can often fit into a smaller space than a tub, providing more floor space.

  • Accessibility: For some, stepping into a tub can be challenging. A walk-in shower provides easy access.

  • Versatility: Maybe you moved into a home with only a shower, but you love baths. Converting it gives you the best of both worlds.

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A new shower head from a shower conversion
A newly converted shower from a tub
Tub conversion

The Process: What to Expect

1. Initial Consultation: First, we chat. We'll discuss what you're looking for so we can understand your vision. And we'll provide feedback based on our experience.

2. Site Inspection: We'll examine your current setup, plumbing, drainage, and the available space.

3. Design: Together, we create a plan. This will include design, materials, and fixtures.

4. Implementation: This is where the magic happens. We'll handle the conversion, ensuring everything is up to standard.

5. Final Touches: We don't stop at the conversion. We'll advise on best practices for maintenance and care.

Materials Matter

In Broken Arrow, given our unique climatic conditions, material choice is crucial. We'll guide you through options that are both durable and aesthetically pleasing. From tiles that resist humidity to fixtures that last, we've got you covered.

Customization Is Key

No two homes are the same, so why should conversions be? Do you want a little nook for your shampoos in your shower? Or a jacuzzi feature in your bathtub? Share your ideas, and we'll make them a reality.

Financial Considerations

We understand budgets, and we respect them. While conversions sound fancy, they don't have to break the bank. We'll provide options that align with your financial boundaries.

Benefits Beyond Looks

While a conversion will elevate your bathroom's look, the benefits go beyond aesthetics:

  • Value Addition: Homes with modern bathrooms have a competitive edge in the market.

  • Energy Efficiency: We can add modern fixtures during the conversion, which can help conserve water.

Challenges You Might Face

Let's be real; conversions can pose challenges. Maybe there are plumbing restrictions or space constraints. But worry not! With our experience, we'll provide solutions that tackle these challenges head-on.

Broken Arrow Residents: Listen Up!

For the good folks of Broken Arrow, we have something extra. Given our familiarity with local trends and preferences, we can offer insights specific to this region. So, whether it's a design that's popular in town or a feature that's a must-have given the local climate, we're on top of it.

Ready For a Change?

If you're ready to bring a breath of fresh air to your bathroom, it's time to contact us. With the promise of top-notch service and the assurance of quality, we await the opportunity to serve you.

How To Decide: Tub or Shower?

This can be a challenging question. But breaking it down can simplify the decision:

  • Functionality Over Preference: Think about the people using the bathroom. For homes with elderly residents, a walk-in shower with rails may be more functional and safer.

  • Space Dimensions: Sometimes, we need to make a decision based on the dimensions of your bathroom. A smaller space might not accommodate a full-sized tub, while a more spacious area could benefit from a luxurious soaking tub.

  • Resale Value Considerations: Are you thinking of selling your home in the future? If so, consider what potential buyers might want. In some markets, having at least one bathtub is essential, especially for families with young kids.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Once your conversion is complete, it's essential to know how to maintain it:

Cleaning Tips: Different materials need different cleaning methods. While you can clean ceramic using most store-bought cleaners. Natural stones need a gentler approach. We'll guide you on the best cleaning practices.

Regular Check-ups: Like any other part of your home, regular check-ups ensure everything's running without a hitch. Look for any drainage issues or sealant needs.

Increased Home Value

Bathroom trends come and go, but functionality is timeless. When considering your conversion, think long-term:

  • Adaptable Designs: Opt for designs that you can have updated without major renovations. For example, neutral tiles might be jazzed up with colorful accessories.

  • High-Quality Fixtures: Spending a little more now on high-quality fixtures can save you replacement costs in the long run.

A Stress-Free Experience

Once your primary conversion is complete, think about enhancements:

  • Eco-friendly Fixtures: Modern fixtures can reduce water usage. This benefits both the environment and your utility bills.

  • Storage Solutions: Consider built-in shelves or recessed niches. These can keep your bathroom tidy without compromising on space.

  • Lighting: The right lighting can elevate the ambiance. Think of moisture-resistant recessed lights or even a chandelier over a freestanding tub for that touch of luxury.

Tub and shower conversions can reinvent your bathroom. It's not only about swapping a fixture; it's about aligning your space with your needs. With a blend of design and functionality, let's craft a bathroom that reflects you.

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